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Content Writing

Good Content Writing is required for all stages of your business but, it’s most important when you’re getting started.  However, it’s still as important once you have started to get consistent business.
Your potential and current Customers get to know more about you and your business, through your written content that you write, using your “Brand Voice”.

Google itself has said that regular posting of relevant, informative high quality written content on your Website and Social Media accounts is necessary to improve your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO), and increase your ‘visibility’ online.
(Google has its own SEO Starter Guide)

Backlinko: “Content writing is the process of planning, writing and editing web content, typically for digital marketing purposes. It can include writing blog posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts, as well as content for specific platforms, such as tweetstorms on Twitter or text posts on Reddit.”

What is ‘Best Practice’ when writing Content online?

Here a few tips for writing content:

  • Include your specific Keywords and Phrases
  • Use proper ‘H-Tags’
  • Apply effective Formatting for better Readability
  • Use and link to current Industry Information and Data
  • Use Internal linking to link to other pages on your Website
  • Share/’Recycle’ your Content across Web Platforms

Google’s has developed a updated to their old E-A-T guidelines, now called E-E-A-T meaning Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.
Google will tend to prioritise and reward content that demonstrates those qualities!

Although, many business owners find that they are either too busy with their business and/or technologically inexperienced to write and post their own Content.

I can help with a variety of Writing Services on your chosen Topic or Niche using best practice for the search engines like Google:

Articles/Blog Posts

Short Articles (50-300 words)
Medium Articles (300-500 words)
Long Articles & Cornerstone Content (500-2000 words)

(All articles include a ‘Featured Image’)

Social Media Posts

I can create written posts for Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter and LinkedIn.You tell me what you want done whether it’s Product Descriptions, Infographics, Event/Workshop Information etc. and I’ll get it done for you!

I can also create Videos or Graphics to post on Social Media sites as well.

Video Scripts

If you’re looking to make a video, whether it’s Promotional, Informative or Entertaining, I can help you write a great script ranging from 100-1000 words from scratch or using content you already have.
Here is one I did for a client, using some of her own site content.


Having a eBook as a product for people to buy on your website, Amazon etc. can give you passive income and/or can be a efficient way of collecting ‘leads’ by giving it away ‘Free’ to new customers in exchange for their email address.
The best thing is, you don’t even necessarily have to write any new content to make an EBook, so we can work together to make your EBook a success!

Client Presentations

A Presentation to a potential or current Client is important to get right but it can sometimes be boring or daunting to get started.
I can help you create a well formatted, informative and aesthetic presentation using some of your own writing OR I can create it from scratch if you provide me with the essential information you need to include.

Case Studies

Case studies are a great way to show people how you helped others achieve success and it also gives them a glimpse into your process.
With some basic information, I can write your Case Studies and create images to help you get more business.
Here’s a link to one of my Case Studies.

Customer Success Stories

The best way to show your future customers how good your Product(s)/Service(s) are, is to tell them how your previous customers have benefited in the real world by using it.
I know personally, when I am looking to invest in a new Product or Service, I either
1. Look up Written or Video Reviews OR
2. Go to their Website to see if they have Success Stories/Testimonials

Knowing that other people have had good experiences with your Product(s)/Service(s) can give confidence to potential customers looking to buy it too!
Together we can write concise and persuasive Success Stories for your business!

Simple User Guides

If you have a Product that is slightly more ‘complicated’ than average or that requires some assembly, you should think about writing a Simple User Guide to include with your Product.
Basic instructions, Safety warnings, Picture Diagrams, Frequently Asked Questions, Business contact information etc. will be among some of the details you’ll need to add.
We will discuss how you would like to approach the design of your User Guide together!

Advertising Copy

The majority of businesses big and small have done at least one Ad Campaigns on Google, Facebook, Instagram etc. to get their business out there!
If you are looking to do advertising online, I can help you to write effective, Online Ads, Magazine or Newspaper Ads and Email Marketing scripts using your keywords and extensive knowledge about your Business and Niche, that will not only will grab peoples attention, but lead to more sales too!

Review Templates

ALL Businesses at one point or another will need to respond to both Positive and Negative reviews of their Products or Services and being able to respond quickly and with confidence is important. Taking into consideration common customer responses, I can craft responses to leave your customers feel like their concerns or compliments have been heard and acted upon.

If there is something that you need done, but don’t see on this list, please contact me and we can discuss it in person or over the phone!